Dr. Mareike Smolka

Assistant Professor
of Knowledge, Technology & Innovation

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I am Assistant Professor (tenured) in the Knowledge, Technology & Innovation group at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands and a Research Fellow at the Human Technology Center at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. I study and seek to enhance ethical robustness, environmental sustainability, and social desirability of science and technology development, with a particular focus on the neurosciences (PhD), neuromorphic computing (NeuroSys), and AI (Veni). The project Studying and enhancing how AI researchers and developers imagine socio-technical systems was awarded with the Veni – Social Sciences and Humanities 2023 grant within the NWO Talent Program. My research draws on Science & Technology Studies, Empirical Ethics, Transition Studies, and Responsible Innovation. I have aimed to advance learning and exchange across these fields as Associate Editor of the Journal of Responsible Innovation and as an organizer of the STS-hub.de 2023 conference.I develop, test, and teach methods for ethnography, stakeholder engagement, and inter-/transdisciplinary collaboration to explore ethical, environmental, and societal dimensions of research and development (R&D) and facilitate reflection on these dimensions among R&D actors. I have more than five years of experience in Socio-Technical Integration Research, as documented in my published research in Science, Technology & Human Values, Journal of Responsible Innovation, and NanoEthics. I also designed, guided, and conducted a Transformative Vision Assessment study in the NeuroSys project and I am a certified practitioner of Reflexive Monitoring in Action. In my role as a board member of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations, I support researchers from diverse disciplines to develop creative, process-oriented inter-/transdisciplinary collaborations.I am also an engaged educator of undergraduate and graduate students. At Maastricht University, I was an organizer of a cross-faculty ethnography group with 100+ members. As research coordinator at RWTH Aachen University, I led a cohort of PhD students investigating innovation ecosystems. At Wageningen University & Research, I design, coordinate, and teach a course on Innovation and Transformation, organize workshops, and give guest lectures, listed under my teaching activities. Interested Master students can check out my Master thesis projects on my university profile.


The project Studying and enhancing how AI researchers and developers imagine socio-technical systems: a response to the crisis of imagination was awarded with the Veni – Social Sciences and Humanities 2023 grant within the NWO Talent Program. The project will be conducted in collaboration with OnePlanet Research Center at Wageningen University & Research.


In policy, corporate, and media discourses, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often envisioned as the solution to global challenges and as a threat to humanity. Dominant hype/fear imaginaries leave little room for picturing alternatives because the future of AI appears fixed and inevitable. This reflects a crisis of imagination: technology-driven futures are easy to conceive, but it is difficult to anticipate plausible ways in which technology and society could interrelate within future socio-technical systems. This crisis is particularly vivid among AI researchers and developers who are used to operating within computational systems and thus tend to neglect societal contexts. As many of them want AI to create better societies, they search for ways to overcome the crisis.This project seeks to study and enhance how AI researchers and developers imagine socio-technical systems. Through a co-design process involving stakeholders and publics, it will explore how dominant and alternative ways of imagining socio-technical systems relate to each other and shape AI research and development. The concept of system imagination will be coined to analyze the process. This concept will scrutinize the potential within practices of individuals and small groups to connect seemingly conflicting ways to imagine socio-technical systems. The goal is to find out how the crisis of imagination can be addressed effectively so as to help AI researchers and developers better align technology-driven futures with society-oriented alternatives.The empirical site is OnePlanet Research Center, a high-tech research and innovation center connected to Wageningen University & Research. The center marries an industrial focus on microelectronics with a commitment to developing AI for healthy, sustainable societies. It is an excellent site for interrogating the intersection between technology-driven imaginaries and society-oriented ways to imagine the future. The project will be conducted in collaboration with two AI teams at OnePlanet: one working on AI for precision pruning of fruit trees with smart robots and the other on AI predicting hydration levels for preventive health. The project aims at lasting impacts on local research and innovation, while disseminating theoretical and methodological resources for creating similar impacts elsewhere.


Cover art made by Lines To Dot

My PhD research resulted in the dissertation Ethics in Action: Multi-Sited Engaged Ethnography on Valuation Work in Contemplative Science.The research was funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes), the European Francisco Varela Award 2019, and Fulbright Germany.


In recent years, the potential of contemplative practices like mindfulness meditation to alleviate modern ailments such as stress, chronic conditions and signs of old age has been studied with neuroscientific, psychological and clinical approaches. Researchers conducting such studies, sometimes called 'contemplative scientists,’ have been featured in the media to provide scientific legitimacy for the benefits of meditation. While proponents of contemplative science present this kind of research as unambiguously benevolent and capable of remedying global crises, opponents find it ethically dubious. Some social scholars and Buddhist practitioners worry that a scientific framing of meditation strips it of its intellectual, affective and ethical roots in Buddhism and makes it amenable to use for unethical ends, for instance as a concentration training in the military or a productivity booster in business corporations. Instead of reasoning in the abstract about these potential normative effects of contemplative science (for good or ill) and projecting them into the future, this dissertation explores the ethicality of contemplative science by studying how values emerge in practice. The exploration is guided by the following research questions: How are values enacted in contemplative science practices? How does the contemplative science community valorise and justify its research as epistemologically rich and ethically benevolent? How are knowledge-making practices related to scientific norms of good research on meditation? How can engaged social science research critique contemplative science in a way that is generative of changes in thought and action?To answer these questions, this dissertation draws on theoretical and methodological resources from the field of Science & Technology Studies as well as from interrelated discourses on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation. It combines multi-sited ethnography with engagement research guided by adaptations of the Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) method to study and critique practices of valuation in contemplative science. The main finding is that contemplative scientists mobilise different strategies and repertoires to enact values – they perform what is here named ‘valuation work.’ The concept of valuation work captures how scientists make seemingly incompatible values, forms of authority and systems of orientation merge, coexist or alternate in practice. Ethnographic research on the laboratory floor, during scientific meetings and at conferences highlights that deliberations on and practical attempts to resolve value conflicts are inextricably bound up with scientific socialisation processes and knowledge production. Such valuation work can become visible and modifiable in interdisciplinary collaboration and practitioner dialogues guided by the STIR decision protocol.In examining and inflecting the processes through which scientists engage with the socio-ethical aspects of their work, this dissertation adds an empirical perspective on ‘ethics in action’ to public and academic debates on ‘ethics in theory’ in contemplative science. The analysis reveals that contemplative science does not automatically have the normative effects which proponents and opponents anticipate. For example, by turning mindfulness meditation into an object of research it does not necessarily lose its ethical roots in Buddhism, neither does it automatically result in improved mental health and well-being in society. Rather, both Buddhist and modern framings of meditation can be traced, destabilised and modulated in scientific work through reflexive practices that are already embedded in contemplative science and those that are stimulated by social science engagement research. This finding indicates that scientists can account for the ways in which their research influences society and culture – the kinds of impacts which are usually assumed to fall outside the scope of their responsibilities. Hence, Ethics in Action is not only relevant for contemplative scientists, but also for other technoscientific practitioners, policy-makers and engaged social scholars because it suggests that joint efforts to open up reflexive spaces, where conventional approaches and convictions are made available for reconsideration and revision, can facilitate the social steering of technoscience.


I presented my PhD research in the Science & Belief in Society Podcast hosted by Dr Will Mason-Wilkes, Dr James Riley and Dr Rachael Shillitoe, and Dr Richard Grove, Research Fellows at the University of Birmingham. In season 2 episode 9, I talk about the contested label 'contemplative science' and its history, my collaboration with the Silver Santé research team, and Responsible Innovation approaches that can inflect the impacts of science on society, culture, and personhood. You can access the podcast here:


As a research fellow at the Human Technology Centre of RWTH Aachen University, I participate in the society module of NeuroSys, a high-tech innovation project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The society module is a group of social scholars who collaborate with researchers, engineers, industrial actors and other stakeholders to build capacities for reflexively integrating societal dimensions into the development of neuromorphic computing hardware for Artificial Intelligence in an emerging innovation ecosystem.

Neuromorphic computing is a novel computer hardware architecture inspired by the neural network of the human brain. Information processing in the human brain consumes on average 20 watts; this is several orders of magnitude less energy than what an artificial neural network of the same size requires. Brain-inspired computer hardware thus promises to be more energy-efficient than conventional hardware, which is particularly important for energy-intensive Artificial Intelligence applications.

For neuromorphic hardware to move from the laboratory to the market, an innovation ecosystem needs to emerge. To ensure that the innovation ecosystem is not only oriented toward economic success, but also takes into consideration societal needs, ethical concerns, and environmental sustainability, we develop and test approaches to responsible innovation ecosystem governance.

We published our theoretical and methodological framework and preliminary results in the Journal of Responsible Innovation. In a nutshell, we combine Socio-Technical Integration Research with Vision Assessment and Reflexive Monitoring in Action to reflexively engage with scenarios about the future of the innovation ecosystem in a collaborative multi-stakeholder process. So far, we conducted 30 stakeholder interviews to analyse existing visions. The results of our analysis published in Minerva were revised and concretised in a scenario workshop. We then sketched pathways towards desirable scenarios for strategy development. For this purpose, we organised a strategy mapping workshop with all NeuroSys partners. In a Dynamic Learning Agenda workshop, we translated strategies into concrete activities.

NeuroSys Scenario Workshop on May 15, 2023, at Käte Hamburger Kolleg Aachen

NeuroSys Strategy Mapping Workshop on January 23, 2024, at Super C, RWTH Aachen.

NeuroSys Dynamic Learning Agenda Workshop on January 23, 2025, at Super C, RWTH Aachen.



since Nov 2023Course Coordinator and Lecturer for Bachelor and Master students at Wageningen University & Research (Course: Innovation and Transformation)
Apr 2023 – Jul 2023Tutor in the Master of Sociology at RWTH Aachen University (Course: Research Problems of Socio-Technical Transformation)
Sep 2021 – Oct2021Tutor in the Global Health Master Programme at the Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences of Maastricht University (Course: Advanced Methodological Skills in Qualitative Research)
Sep 2020 – Jan 2021Adjunct Teaching Fellow in the Software Engineering Bachelor Programme at CODE University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Course: Science & Technology Studies)
Jan 2018 – Sep 2020Junior Teaching Fellow in the Liberal Arts & Sciences Bachelor Programme at University College Maastricht (Courses: Research Methods; Philosophy of Science)


Oct 2024 – presentLena Lübbe, ‘Doing Responsibility’ in Transformative Settings: The Case of an Emerging Bioeconomy in the Rhenish Lignite Area, Dissertation at RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Promoter: Stefan Böschen)
Nov 2023 – presentHanna Ewell, Scaling for and with whom and with which consequences: inclusive scaling strategies in low emissions food systems, Dissertation at Wageningen University & Research (Promoter: Cees Leeuwis, Co-supervisor: Martha Vanegas)
Nov 2020 – presentPhilipp Neudert, Visions and Imagination in Innovation-based Regional Transformations, Dissertation at RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Promoter: Stefan Böschen, Co-supervisor: Phil Macnaghten)


Sep 2024Socio-Technical Integration Research Workshop for PhD and Postdoctoral researchers at Wageningen University & Research
May 2024Responsible Innovation for the Life Sciences: From Principles to Practice co-organized by Phil Macnaghten for PhD students in the life sciences in the course This Thing Called Science at Utrecht University
April 2024 & May 2023Empirical ethics in fieldwork, analysis, and writing: a methodographic workshop for PhD students participating in the course Empirical Methods for Philosophy of Technology, Technical University Delft, the Netherlands
June 2023The Mushroom at the End of the World by Anna L. Tsing: Imagination workshop & Book discussion at the Hambach surface mine at the Temporary University Hambach, Germany
June 2023The role of Artificial Intelligence and Neuromorphic Computing Technology in the structural transformation of the Rhenish lignite mining area: Imagination workshop co-organized by Frieder Bögner, Miriam Chlumsky-Harttmann, Robert Lipp, and Thorsten Wahlbrink at the Temporary University Hambach, Germany
Apr 2022Socio-Technical Integration Research Workshop for undergraduate students at Arizona State University, USA
Nov 2021Critical Neuroscience for Psychologist Workshop co-organized by Flora Lysen for students and researchers at University Bonn, Germany
May 2020Socio-Technical Integration Research Workshop for undergraduate students at University College Maastricht, the Netherlands
Aug 2019Socio-Technical Integration Research Workshop for researchers at Aarhus University, Denmark
May 2019Socio-Technical Integration Research Workshop for undergraduate students at University College Maastricht, the Netherlands


Feb 2025Ambivalent impacts in engagement research in the PhD course on Making an Impact at Wageningen University & Research
Dec 2024Unpacking outcomes of inter- and transdisciplinary research: towards an ethics of specificity in the PhD course on Foundations of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research at Wageningen University & Research
Nov 2024 & Dec 2023The politics of visions: imagining futures of computing in the course Politics of Knowledge and Inclusive Innovation for Master students at Wageningen University & Research
Oct 2024Deconstructing ‘innovation-speak’: from linear models of innovation to responsible innovation and communication in the course Advanced Communication Science for Master students at Wageningen University & Research
Mar 2024How mindfulness researchers integrate affective experiences into science: From neuroscience to micro-phenomenology in the elective Emotions in the Debates on Natural Resources at Wageningen University & Research
Apr 2022Processing Fieldnotes & Writing Ethnographic Texts in the Global Studies Master Program at Maastricht University
Nov 2020What is Art? for software engineering Bachelor students at CODE University of Applied Sciences in Berlin
Jan 2020From Philosophy of Science to Social Studies of Science: Science in context after the empirical turn in the Maastricht Interdisciplinary Sciences Program for Bachelor students


April 2024 – May 2024Professional in PhD Supervision Tenure-Track Training on leadership, mentoring, and writing coaching in PhD supervision at Wageningen University & Research
Jan – Mar 2024Reflexive Monitoring in Action on reflexive learning in transition processes at Drift Transition Academy Utrecht
Jan 2018 – Nov 2020University Teaching Qualification in student-centered and problem-based learning at Maastricht University



Smolka, M. (2022). Ethics in Action: Multi-sited Engaged Ethnography on Valuation Work in Contemplative Science. PhD diss., Maastricht University. DOI: 10.26481/dis.20221011ms.


Neudert, P., Smolka, M., and Böschen, S. (2024) The Limits of Responsibilization? Responsibility Boundary-Work Through Visions in the Case of Neuromorphic Computing. Minerva. DOI: 10.1007/s11024-024-09562-y.

Neudert, P., Smolka, M., and Böschen, S. (2024) Towards Transformative Innovation Ecosystems: a Systemic Approach to Responsible Innovation. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11(1): 2414482. DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2024.2414482.

Abidi, L., van Koeveringe, J., Smolka, M., van Lierop, B., Bosma, H., Alleva, J., Poole, N., and Nagelhout, E. (2024) Perceptions, barriers and facilitating strategies of inclusive research: a qualitative study with expert interviews. Journal of Underrepresented and Minority Progress, 8(1): 237–263. DOI: 10.32674/cwa36g66.

Smolka, M., and Fisher, E. (2024) Testing Reflexive Practitioner Dialogues: Capacities for Socio‐technical Integration in Meditation Research. NanoEthics, 18(1), DOI: 10.1007/s11569-023-00450-5.

Schumann, F., Smolka, M., Dienes, Z., Lübbert, A., Lukas, W., Gehring Rees, M., Fucci, E., and van Vugt, M. (2023) Beyond kindness: a proposal for a flourishing of science and scientists alike. Royal Society Open Science, 10(11): 230728, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.230728.

Smolka, M., and Böschen, S. (2023) Responsible innovation ecosystem governance: socio-technical integration research for systems-level capacity building. Journal of Responsible Innovation 10(1): 2207937, DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2023.2207937.

Smolka, M. (2022). Enchanting Narratives: A Historical Ethnography of Contemplative Science. Technology and Language, 3(4): 42-75, DOI: 10.48417/technolang.2022.04.05.

Smolka, M. (2022). Making epistemic goods compatible: Knowledge-making practices in a lifestyle intervention RCT on mindfulness and compassion meditation. BioSocieties, DOI: 10.1057/s41292-022-00272-w.

Smolka, M. (2021). Why does controversy persist? Paradigm clash, conflicting visions and academic productivity in the aesthetics of religion. Science as Culture, 30(4): 465-490, DOI: 10.1080/09505431.2021.1918077.

Smolka, M., Fisher E., and Hausstein, A. (2021). From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaborations, Science, Technology, & Human Values, 46(5): 1076-1103, DOI: 10.1177/0162243920974088.

Smolka, M. (2020). Generative Critique in Interdisciplinary Collaborations: From Critique of and in the Neurosciences to Socio-Technical Integration Research as a Practice of Critique in R(R)I, NanoEthics, 14(1): 1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s11569-019-00362-3.


Smolka, M., and Fisher, E. (2023) Testing Reflexive Practitioner Dialogues: Capacities for Socio‐technical Integration in Meditation Research. Open Data on DataverseNL DOI: 10.34894/ZG5GMB.For more information on my views on FAIR and open data in qualitative research, you can check out my talk "From FAIR to FAIR(ies)" on youtube.


Smolka, M., and Fisher, E. (2024). Technology assessment in science and engineering: theory, policy and practice of integration research. In Handbook of Technology Assessment, edited by A. Grunwald. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781035310685

Smolka, M., (2024). Valuation work in mindfulness research: creating patches of religion in modern science. In Science and Religion. Approaches from Science and Technology Studies, edited by Z. T. Kamwendo. London: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-66387-1_8

Smolka, M., Stoepel, L., Quill, J., Wahlbrink T., Floehr, J., Böschen, S., Letmathe, P., and Lemme, M. (2024). Transdisciplinary development of neuromorphic computing hardware for Artificial Intelligence applications: technological, economic, societal, and environmental dimensions of transformation in the NeuroSys Cluster4Future. In Transformation towards Sustainability - A Novel Interdisciplinary Framework from RWTH Aachen University, edited by P. Letmathe, C. Roll, A. Balleer, S. Böschen, W. Breuer, A. Förster, G. Gramelsberger, K. Greiff, R. Häußling, M. Lemme, M. Leuchner, M. Paegert, F. T. Pillar, E. Seefried, and T. Wahlbrink. New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-54700-3_10.

Smolka, M., and Mesman, J. (2024). Practicing care-as-affect and engagement-as-critique: Careful engagements with Video-Reflexive Ethnography and Socio-Technical Integration Research. In Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions: Careful interventions in healthcare, museums, design and beyond, edited by D. Lydahl and N. C. Nickelsen. New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-44119-6


Smolka, M., Doezema, T., and von Schomberg, L. (2024). Critique in, for, with, and of responsible innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11(1): 2373922. Link.

Fisher, E., Smolka, M., Owen, R., Pansera, M., Guston, D. H., Grunwald, A., Nelson, J. P., Raman, S., Neudert, P., Flipse, S. M., and Ribeiro, B. (2024). Responsible innovation scholarship: normative, empirical, theoretical, and engaged, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11(1): 2309060. Link.


Smolka, M. (2025). A Code of Conduct in a Non-Codified World. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 12(1): 2442482. DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2024.2442482.

Neudert, P., Smolka, M., Acksel, B., Boeva, Y. (2024). Review of Insolvent: How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability. Journal of Responsible Technology, 20: 100092. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrt.2024.100092.

Smolka, M., Braun, M., Greubel, C., Neudert, P., Rentrop, C., and Wiedemann, L. (2023). Being, doing, and using STS in Germany? Reflections on identity questions, normative commitments, and conceptual work after STS-hub.de 2023, EASST Review, 42(1): 41-50. Link.

Smolka, M., Fisher, E. Pickering C., and Peate, L. (2022). Traveling through the past and into the future of Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR): Midpoint Report on the 2022 STIR Seminar Series, EASST Review, 42(2): 74-81. Link.

Smolka, M. (2019). Towards better science and modesty in the Cognitive Science of Religion and Contemplative Science?, Verkündigung und Forschung, 64(2): 142-150, DOI: 10.14315/vf-2019-640208.

Smolka, M. (2018). “Sticky business” inspires: Enacting ethics by adding syrup to laboratory life. EASST Review, 37(4). Link.


Smolka, M., Fisher, E., and Hausstein, A. (2022) Advancing considerations of affect in interdisciplinary collaborations. Integration and Implementation Insights. Link.

Smolka, M. (2021) The Ethnographic Patchwork Quilt: A post-publication methodography. The Sociological Review, DOI: 10.51428/tsr.djop2330.

Smolka, M. and Vörös, S. (2021). Writing Life: An Interview with Sebastjan Vörös. Somatosphere. Link.

Smolka, M. (2020). ‘Confer-ring’ at contemplative studies conferences: Conference ethnography in a time of COVID-19, Conference Inference. Blogging the World of Conferences. Link.

Smolka, M. (2020). Che fine ha fatto? Khenpo A Chös Regenbogenkörper. Contribution to the Night of Museums 2019, Centre for Cultural Research Lübeck. Link.

Smolka, M. (2018). “Cosmonaut for a night”: The experiences of a Silver Santé volunteer, Point of view, Silver Santé Study. The Medit-Ageing Project. Link.

Smolka, M. (2017). Translating between Buddhism and neuroscience: Conceptual differences and similarities in epistemic cultures. Neuroscientific research on Vipassana meditation – a case study, Self-Journals of Science. Link.


Neudert, P., Smolka, M., and Lemme, M. (2025). So kann Deutschland eine neue Chipindustrie aufbauen [How Germany can create a new chip industry]. ZEIT ONLINE. Link.


Luttikhuizen, H. (2024) Future Horizons: Insights and Inspiration from the CUCo Board. Interview with Mareike Smolka, Centre for Unusual Collaborations. Link



December 2024: "Anticipatory alignment work: the politics of anticipation in neuromorphic computing." Berlin Ethics Lab, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

November 2024: "Imagining and Shaping the Future of Neuromorphic Computing: Socio-ethical Perspectives and Practices." Keynote lecture at the NeuroSys Expert Hub Kick-off on Neurmorphic Hardware for AI Evolution: Perspectives, Challenges and Business Opportunities, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.

June 2024: "Transforming the future of computing: the NeuroSys Cluster4Future." Keynote lecture at the Book Launch Event – Transformation Towards Sustainability, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.

July 2024: Contribution to panel discussion on "Innovation & Emerging Applications." European Conference on Integrated Optics, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.

October 2023: "From Studying Visions to Analyzing Alignment Work: Work-in-progress on Futures of Neuromorphic Computing." Keynote lecture at the Doctoral Colloquium of the School of Social Science and Technology, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany.

July 2023: "Integrating Societal Dimensions into the Development of Neuromorphic Computing Hardware for AI." The Virtual Ethical Innovation Lecture Series, Lübeck, Germany.

May 2023: Contribution to panel discussion "Where do science and technology research stand in Germany?" Spring conference of the science and technology research section of the German Sociological Association, Dortmund, Germany.

February 2023: (co-authored by Erik Fisher) “Tools Lab: Socio-Technical Integration Research.” Fachtagung Integrierte Forschung, Mannheim, Germany.

January 2023: (co-authored by Jessica Mesman) “The Double Vision of Care in STS Engagement Research.” Symposium on Care as Transdisciplinary Concept, Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

November 2022: (co-authored by Stefan Böschen, Saskia Nagel, and Peter Letmathe) "Society, Ethics, and Economics in NeuroSys: Shaping the Innovation Ecosystem of Neuromorphic Computing Technology." Frontier Workshop neuroAIx, Aachen, Germany.

October 2022: "Einführung in die Sozio-Technische Integrationsforschung." Plenum Cluster Integrierte Forschung, Lutheran University of Applied Sciences, Nürnberg, Germany.

April 2022: "Affect and careful engagement in STIR." Seminar Series on Socio-Technical Integration Research, online format. Link.

April 2022: “Interdisciplinary Engagement with Human Values in Science and Engineering: Introducing the NeuroSys project.” Public Interest Technology Colloquium at the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, online format. Link.

December 2021: "Ethics in Action in Contemplative Science." Research colloquium at the Department of Science, Technology and Society, Technical University Munich, online format.

October 2021: “FAIR Interviews & Focus Groups in Qualitative Social Science Research.” FAIR Coffee Lecture Series of Maastricht University, Link.

July 2021: (co-authored by Erik Fisher) “Tracing Collaborative Reflection Moment-to-Moment: Bringing Science & Technology Studies to Contemplative Science and Vice Versa.” Mind-Brain-Mindfulness Intercity Seminar at the Free University of Amsterdam, online format.

August 2018: “STIRring up clinical research and contemplative science: on the
production of bias and ‘good’ meditation research.” Research colloquium at the Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark.

July 2019: “Going Cognitive? How conflicting visions fuel controversy and perform the future of the Aesthetics of Religion.” Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld, Germany.

December 2018: “The Meditating Brain in Context: Eliciting Ethical Reflections in Neuroscientific Meditation Research.” Research colloquium at the Institute of Philosophy, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.


December 2024: “Building anticipatory capacities for responsible scaling: a workshop on future literacy.” Scaling Week 2024, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Nairobi, Kenya.

November 2024: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Julia Backhaus, Barbara Grimpe, Stefan John, Lena Lübbe, Ulrike Sasse-Zeltner, Yannik Schöpper and Stefan Böschen) "Identifying governance challenges in multi-regime and infrastructure transitions through analyzing future narratives." Conference “Directions of the Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Technology,” Lisbon, Portugal.

October 2024: (co-authored by Barbara Grimpe, Philipp Neudert, Julia Backhaus, Stefan John, Lena Lübbe, Ulrike Sasse-Zeltner, Yannick Schöpper and Stefan Böschen) "Das Rheinische Revier im Umbruch: soziotechnische Herausforderungen eines vielschichtigen Transformationsprozesses." Autumn Conference of the Section Environmental Sociology and Sustainability Sociology, Augsburg, Germany.

October 2024: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Frieder Bögner, Wenzel Mehnert, Phil Macnaghten and Stefan Böschen) "Governance in transformation: alignment work for sustainable computing." Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Conference 2024, Wageningen, the Netherlands.

September 2024: (co-authored by Bas Boom) “Imagining AI in Context: (Re-)Analysis of an Interdisciplinary Student Project.” 2024 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

July 2024: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert and Stefan Böschen) “Integrating ethics and society in innovation ecosystems? Towards transformative innovation ecosystems.” Joint International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

July 2024: (co-authored by Jessica Mesman) “Careful engagement: attending to disconcertment and ambivalence in collaborative STS research.” Joint International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

May 2024: "Public participation in system imagination: exploring co-design approaches to Artificial Intelligence research and development." Workshop on Participation and STS Sensibilities in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

January 2024: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert and Stefan Böschen) "Integrating Ethics and Society through Innovation Ecosystems: Towards Transformative Innovation Ecosystems." International pre-conference by the Cluster Integrated Research, online format. Link.

November 2023: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Wenzel Mehnert, Frieder Bögner, and Stefan Böschen) "Partizipative Methoden der Transformationssoziologie in Innovationssystemen erproben: Vision Assessment im NeuroSys Zukunftscluster.“ Tagung der Transformationssoziologie, Aachen, Germany.

November 2023: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Wenzel Mehnert, Frieder Bögner, and Stefan Böschen) "Partizipative und transdisziplinäre Forschung in Innovationsökosystemen: Fallstudie zum High-Tech- Innovationsprojekt NeuroSys.“ PartWiss 2023, Chemnitz, Germany.

April 2023: “From ‘ethics in theory’ to ‘ethics in action’ in mindfulness research: studying and transforming responsibility practices through Socio-Technical Integration Research.” 2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, & Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.

April 2023: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert and Stefan Böschen) “Responsibilization and responsibility boundary-work by and through visions of neuromorphic computing.” 2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, & Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.

March 2023: Contribution on Affects in Engaged Ethnography in the World Café Panel "Just do it... Stories of becoming an ethnographer." STS-hub.de 2023, Aachen, Germany.

March 2023: "Engaged Ethnography: Critical participation in valuation work." STS-hub.de 2023, Aachen, Germany.

November 2022: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert and Stefan Böschen) "Sozio-Technische Integration im Innovationsökosystem: Einführung in die interdisziplinäre Transformationsforschung von NeuroSys." Gesellschaft für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung Jahrestagung, Dortmund, Germany.

September 2021: “Insights into MUSTS Practices of Collaborative Research.” Association for Studies in Innovation Science and Technology – UK Annual Conference, online format.

May 2021: “Conflicting epistemic goods, informal care practices, and multiple research objects in a clinical trial on mindfulness meditation.” Nordic Science & Technology Studies Conference (NOSTS) 2021, online format.

March 2021: “Generative Critique in local productions of sleep apnea: Destabilising standard ways of interpreting curves, categorising health vs. illness, and doing research ethics.” Chronic Living International Conference on quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, online format.

August 2020: (co-authored by Erik Fisher and Alexandra Hausstein) “From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaborations.” Joint International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), online format.

August 2019: "Going Cognitive? A science studies perspective on the Aesthetics of Religion: when conflicting visions fuel controversy and epistemic tensions.” 33rd Biannual Conference of the German Association for the Study of Religion (DVRW), Hannover, Germany.

June 2019: “Studying emotions in meditation research: ethics and epistemology entangled?” Transdisciplinary Conference on BIAS in AI and Neuroscience, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

July 2018: “Controversy in the Aesthetics of Religion: When religious studies go cognitive, visions on how to study religions clash.” International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST), Lancaster, England.

July 2018: “The meditating brain in context: eliciting ethical reflections on neuroscientific meditation research.” International Conference on Mindfulness, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


September 2024 (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Frieder Bögner, Giacomo Figà Talamanca, Saskia, Nagel, and Stefan Böschen) “Transformative Innovation Ecosystems: The Case of Neuromorphic Computing.” Neuromorphic Computing Netherlands, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

June 2024 (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Frieder Bögner, Giacomo Figà Talamanca, Saskia, Nagel, and Stefan Böschen) “Transformative Innovation Ecosystems: The Case of Neuromorphic Computing.” International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, Aachen, Germany.

August 2023: (co-authored by Philipp Neudert, Wenzel Mehnert, Frieder Bögner, Giacomo Figà Talamanca, and Stefan Böschen) "From Visions to Scenarios of Neuromorphic Computing: Imagining the Future of NeuroSys in a Participatory Process." Jülich-Aachen Neuromorphic Computing Day, Jülich, Germany.

August 2021: (co-authored by Erik Fisher) “Cultivating Contemplative Science Identities through STIR Practitioner Dialogues.” European Mind & Life Summer Research Institute, online format.

August 2020: “Digital conference ethnography at ESRI 2020. An inquiry into technological mediation of academic community building.” European Mind & Life Summer Research Institute, online format.

November 2019: (co-authored by Erik Fisher) "Socio-Technical Integration Research." Conference of the network for integrated research, Leipzig, Germany.

October 2019: “Ethics in Action: Engaged Ethnography in the Silver Santé Study.” Contemplative Science Symposium, Mind & Life Europe, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany.

July 2017: “Master thesis results on responsibility in neuroscientific cognitive enhancement research.” European Mind & Life Summer Research Institute, Chiemsee, Germany.


July 2024: (co-organised by Christian Herzog, Philipp Neudert, Phil Macnaghten, and Merel Noorman) “Exploring innovation ecosystems: theories, methods, and practices for systemic approaches to the governance of science and technology.” Joint International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

March 2024: (co-organised by Aurora Sauter, Hannah Grün, and Lisa Wiedemann) "Leaking ethnographies: a conversation café on methodography." Inaugural stsing e.V. Conference 2024, Technical University Dresden, Germany.

March 2023: (co-organised by Maximilian Braun and Ruth Falkenberg) "Circulating values: from what is 'good' somewhere to what is 'best' elsewhere and back again." STS-hub.de 2023, Aachen, Germany.

March 2021: (co-organised by Dorit Biermann) “The politics of categorizing ‘health’: Which ‘healthy’ lives do we study and produce?” Chronic Living International Conference on quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, Copenhagen, Denmark, online format.

August 2020: (co-organised by Gili Yaron, Ricky Janssen, and Cristian Ghergu) “Affect, emotions, and feelings in data, analysis, and narrative” Joint International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science & Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), online format.


March 2023: STS-hub.de (co-organized by Stefan Böschen, Paula Helm, Ingmar Lippert, Jan-Felix Schrape, Cornelius Schubert, Jan-Peter Voß, and Lisa Wiedemann). Link.

Events & Calls

To register for the STIR workshop on September 24, 15:00–17:00 on Wageningen campus, please fill out this form.

May 21, 11:30–13:00 on Wageningen campus
Co-organizers: Barbara van Mierlo, Simone Ritzer and Inez Dekker

Open Panel on Exploring Innovation Ecosystems co-organized by Christian Herzog, Phil Macnaghten, Mark Ryan, Philipp Neudert, Laurens Klerkx, Bernd Carsten Stahl, and Merel Noorman

Submit an abstract until 12th of February 2024!

Imagination workshop & Book discussion at the Humbach surface mine, June 18, 2023, Temporary University Hambach


1st NeuroSys Academy Seminar with Alwin Daus.

1st NeuroSys Academy with Alwin Daus, January 12, 2023